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Django - Python Full Stack Web Developer - Master Class
1. Course Introduction
1. Introduction (2:03)
2. Course Overview Don't Skip this Lecture! (8:00)
2.1 Slides
3. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
4. Course Set-Up and Installation (5:42)
5. Notes on Updates Versions of Django
2. Front-End Introduction
1. What is the Web (6:43)
3. HTML Level One - Basics
1. HTML Level One Introduction (1:26)
2. HTML Part One Basics (6:20)
3. HTML Level One - Part Two -Basic Tagging (12:53)
4. HTML Level One -Part Three - Lists (5:26)
5. HTML Level One -Part Four - Divs and Spans (4:34)
6. HTML Level One - Part Five - Attributes (9:30)
7. HTML Level One Assessment - Overview (3:12)
8. HTML Level One Assessment Solutions (6:40)
4. HTML Level Two - Advanced
1. HTML Level Two Introduction (1:00)
2. HTML Level Two - Part One - Tables (6:52)
3. HTML Level Two - Part Two Tables Quiz (2:28)
4. HTML Level Two - Part Three Table Quiz Solutions (5:57)
5. HTML Level Two Part Four - Forms Basics (12:14)
6. HTML Level Two - Part Five Forms and Labels (14:27)
7. HTML Level Two - Part Six Forms and Selections (11:37)
8. HTML Level Two - Assessment (2:08)
9. HTML Level Two - Assessment Solutions (12:03)
5. CSS Level One - Basics
1. CSS Level One Intro (4:00)
2. CSS Level One Part One (14:42)
3. CSS Level One Part Two (10:30)
5. CSS Level One Part Three (12:36)
6. CSS Level One Part Four (4:11)
7. CSS Level One Part Five (4:44)
8. CSS Level One Assessment (4:13)
9. CSS Level One Assessment Solutions (7:13)
6. CSS Level Two - Advanced
4. CSS Level Two - Part Two Box Model (8:38)
3. CSS Level Two - Part One (Fonts) Continued (7:57)
2. CSS Level Two - Part One Fonts (12:00)
5. CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Overview (4:27)
6. CSS Level Two Spectrum Project Solutions (8:39)
1. CSS Level Two Introduction (0:26)
7. Capstone Project One
1. Capstone Project One Overview (3:16)
2. Capstone Project One Solutions (9:22)
3. Capstone Project One Solutions (Continued) (7:40)
8. Bootstrap Overview
1. Bootstrap Introduction (8:45)
2. Bootstrap Part One - Buttons (11:45)
3. Bootstrap Part Two Forms (13:15)
4. Bootstrap Part Three Navbars (18:04)
5. Bootstrap Part Four - Grids (18:19)
6. Bootstrap Project (4:31)
7. Bootstrap Project Solutions (17:21)
9. Javascript Level One - Basics
1. JS Level One Introduction (1:23)
2. JS Level One - Part One Basics (18:19)
3. JS Level One - Part Two Connecting Javascript (4:23)
4. JS Level One - Part Three Exercise (2:53)
5. JS Level One - Part Three Solutions (2:06)
6. JS Level One - Part Four - Operators (12:00)
7. JS Level One - Part Five - Control Flow (13:47)
8. JS Level One - Part Six While Loops (8:56)
9. JS Level One - Part Seven For Loops (7:58)
10. JS Level One Part Eight Loop Exercises (0:41)
11. JS Level One - Part Eight Solutions (4:16)
12. JS Level One - Project Overview (5:06)
13. JS Level One - Part Nine Project Solutions (9:20)
10. Javascript Level Two
1. JS Level Two - Introduction (0:52)
2. JS Level Two - Part One - Functions (19:58)
3. JS Level Two - Part Two Function Exercises (2:08)
4. JS Level Two - Part Two Function Solutions (14:05)
5. JS Level Two - Part Three Arrays (16:16)
6. JS Level Two - Part Four Array Exercise Overview (5:03)
7. JS Level Two - Part Four Array Solutions (7:27)
8. JS Level Two Part Five Objects (11:14)
9. JS Level Two Part Five Objects Continued (8:12)
10. JS Level Two Part Six Object Exercises (1:33)
11. JS Level Two Part Six Object Exercise Solutions (4:04)
11. Document Object Model
1. Document Object Model Introduction (5:22)
2. Document Object Model - Part One - DOM Interaction (16:50)
3. Document Object Model Part Two Content Interaction (7:10)
4. Document Object Model Part Three - Events (10:40)
5. Document Object Model - Game Project Overview (2:16)
6. DOM Game Project Solutions - Part One (8:13)
7. DOM Game Project Solutions - Part Two (11:02)
12. jQuery
1. jQuery Introduction (3:57)
2. jQuery Part One Basics (14:02)
3. jQuery Part Two Events (12:56)
4. jQuery Project Overview (2:57)
5. jQuery Project Solutions Part One (6:32)
6. jQuery Project Solutions Part Two (16:16)
7. jQuery Project Solutions Part Three (9:39)
13. Back-End Introduction
1. Introduction to the Back-End (4:48)
2. Command Line and Terminal Overview (5:16)
14. Python - Level One
1. Introduction to Python Level One (2:30)
2. Python Installation and Set-Up (9:50)
3. Part One Numbers (8:37)
4. Part Two Strings (11:53)
5. Part Three Lists (12:05)
6. Part Four Dictionaries (5:32)
7. Part 5 - Tuples, Sets, and Booleans (6:29)
8. Part 6 - Exercise Overview (2:22)
9. Part 6 - Exercise Solutions (4:49)
10. Part 7 - Control Flow (19:09)
11. Part Eight Functions (15:19)
12. Part Nine Function Exercises (3:12)
13. Function Exercises Solutions (10:28)
14. Part Ten Simple Game Project Overview (2:50)
15. Simple Game Project Solutions (13:05)
15. Python - Level Two
1. Introduction to Python Level Two (0:30)
2. Scope (16:32)
3. Object Oriented Programming - Part One (5:30)
4. Object Oriented Programming - Part Two (15:34)
5. Object Oriented Programming - Part Three (12:17)
6. OOP Project (3:27)
7. OOP Project Solutions (25:12)
8. Errors and Exceptions (11:20)
9. Regular Expressions (18:47)
10. Modules and Packages (5:05)
11. Decorators (17:59)
12. Name and Main (5:50)
16. Django Level One - Basics
1. Django Level One - Part One - Django Setup (12:12)
2. Django Level One - Part Two - Django Project (10:04)
3. Django Level One - Part Three - Django Application (13:00)
4. Django Level One - Part Four - Challenge Task (1:27)
5. Django Level One - Part Five - Challenge Solutions (5:33)
6. Django Level One - Part Six - URL Mappings (9:02)
7. Django Level One - Part Seven - Templates (16:51)
8. Django Level One - Part Eight Templates Challenge (1:37)
9. Django Level One - Part Nine - Templates Solutions (8:10)
10. Django Level One - Part Ten - Static Files (18:31)
17. Django Level Two
1. Introduction to Django Level Two (10:54)
2. Django Models Overview (8:23)
3. Creating Models (16:07)
4. Population Scripts (12:54)
5. Models-Templates-Views Paradigm (14:57)
6. Django Level Two Project Exercise (2:15)
7. Django Level Two Project Solutions (26:24)
18. Django Level Three
1. Introduction to Django Level Three (0:34)
2. Django Forms (11:26)
3. Form Basics Code Along (18:15)
4. Form Validation (19:40)
5. Model Forms (6:49)
6. Model Forms Exercise (16:59)
19. Django Level Four
1. Introduction to Django Level Four (1:24)
2. Relative URLs with Templates (5:30)
3. Relative URLs Coding Examples (20:14)
4. URL Template Inheritance (3:59)
5. Template Inheritance Coding Example (12:54)
6. Quick Note on Custom Template Filters
7. Template Filters and Custom Filters (4:17)
8. Template Filters Coding Examples (10:30)
20. Django Level Five
1. Introduction to Django Level Five (0:45)
2. Django Passwords (18:52)
3. User Models (6:19)
4. Quick note about forms!
5. Coding User Models and Forms Part One (9:21)
6. Coding User Models and Forms Part Two (15:19)
7. Registration (17:35)
8. Logins (25:11)
21. Django Deployment
1. Introduction to Django Deployment (3:05)
2. Setting up GitHub (13:59)
3. Full Deployment Walkthrough on Python Anywhere (28:57)
22. Advanced Topics - CBVs
1. Introduction to CBVs (1:23)
2. Hello World with CBVs (12:56)
3. Template Views with CBV (10:26)
4. Detail View and List View Part One (15:55)
5. Detail View and List View Part Two (26:15)
6. CRUD Views (28:17)
23. First Clone Project
1. Introduction to First Clone Project (5:41)
2. Blog Clone Project Part One (5:24)
3. Blog Clone Project Part Two (16:41)
4. Blog Clone Project Part Three (14:34)
5. Blog Clone Project Part Four (31:46)
6. Blog Project Part Five (18:34)
7. Blog Project Part Six (6:55)
8. Blog Project Part Seven (23:07)
9. Blog Post Project Part Eight (19:01)
10. Blog Project Part Nine (12:44)
11. Blog Project Part Ten (18:11)
24. Social Media Site Clone Project
1. Introduction to Social Media Clone Project (6:50)
2. Social Clone Part One (8:12)
3. Social Clone Part Two (16:28)
4. Social Clone Part Three (19:45)
5. Social Clone Part Four (8:09)
6. Social Clone Part Five (5:35)
7. Social Clone Part Six (17:45)
8. Social Clone Part Seven (28:11)
9. Social Clone Part Eight (5:07)
10. Social Clone Part Nine (20:06)
11. Social Clone Part Ten (23:06)
12. Social Clone Part Eleven (12:31)
13. Social Clone Part Twelve (17:51)
14. Social Clone Final Part (4:20)
25. Advanced Topics Lecture - Debug Toolbar
2. Debug Toolbar Overview (12:20)
1. Introduction to Debug Toolbar (2:07)
26. Advanced Topics - Customizing the Django Admin
1. Introduction to Admin (11:01)
2. Admin Templates (5:54)
3. Ordering Fields (3:46)
4. Adding Search (2:44)
5. Adding Filters (2:38)
6. Adding Fields (2:31)
7. Editable List View (1:55)
6. Bootstrap Project
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